Indigo Quilt 2

Indigo Quilt 2

I made this wall quilt to go with this winter's indigo quilt that now lives in the guest room.  




 Indigo Quilt 2


 Here's how it looks above the bed. I'm still working out a design for some coordinating pillows with the textiles from Sapa.



The quilt is made from embroidery panels and scraps from last October's trip to Yunnan.

Indigo Quilt 2






 I believe these pieces were going to be made into embroidered shoes.




Indigo Quilt 2

This was my original plan for how the quilt was going to look. Something just wasn't working.







Indigo Quilt 2

The addition of some bright solids (Kona School Bus, Tangerine, Tomato, and three I can't remember) gave the layout some pep.

I'm feeling about 95% happy with how this turned out, but I'm not sure quite what's missing. I'm hoping that adding some pillows to the room will tie the room together.

In any case, it's done for now. Done is the new perfect.