January Things

January Things

Chinese New Year is almost here! As red is the most auspicious of colors, and as you are what you eat during the festival, red fruit is in high demand. Thus, it is time for bourbon cocktail cherries!

While utterly contrary to nature and the seasons in the Northern hemisphere, this is randomly the best time of year to buy cherries and strawberries in China. I used the same recipe as last year, although this time I added a vanilla bean, and used bourbon instead of brandy. I'm looking forward to enjoying these in Old Fashioneds, Aviations, Waldorfs, and more.

January Things

I'm taking the seed packet instructions at their word when they say "as soon as soil can be worked." I planted lettuce and mild mustard greens this week, along with some beets and additional kale seedings.

January Things

My little apple tree seems to have survived its first winter, and put out three sets of these cheery little leaves. Here's hoping for an early spring!