on the needles: from the dyepot
There has been very little knitting progress this week. Lots of other things have been accomplished, just not much knitting.
I did have a fun boucle dyeing adventure, and ended up with one batch of yarn inspired by blackberries, and another by peaches.
Can you tell I have canning on the brain?
The other thing I have on the brain is socks - thick, cozy, run-around-the-freezing-house-in-January socks. You know the kind.
Right now, as I type, a big vat of yarn is bubbling away for these very socks. It's a deep indigo, to be paired with some scarlet/orange/peachy something.
My needle stash was looking a bit sad (yes, it's true, the cobbler's children have no shoes). Conveniently enough, a dear friend (H.N., you are the best!) brought me a huge roll of bamboo dpns, size 0 - 15. The sizes I use most are all packed in my travel roll and ready to rock out some Turkish socks samples.
Now I just need the yarn to dry...and perhaps finish my current project first.
What's on your needles this week?