on the needles: the one and only
The unthinkable has happened: I am down to one WIP!
It's the Beach House Pullover, and I have, frankly, temporarily lost the will to knit it. This week kicked off with the use of a space heater, and looks frighteningly like it will end with air conditioning. I'm hoping a drop in either temperature or humidity will arrive and help me power through the final few hours to finish this beauty and lay it away to await the first chilly day of Fall.
Yep, it's early April and I'm already wishing for October. #knittersproblems
Since the empty project bags are laughing at me, I'm making swatches for some summery sweaters. In particular, I'm hoping to work up something fun out of the waste-silk yarn I picked up in Thailand last year (somehow, calling it "sari silk" just doesn't seem appropriate given its provenance).
What's on your needles this week?