weekly three things: week of november 4th

We Three Things (#W3T) is a group exercise intended to promote creativity and happiness. Each week, participants pick three projects to work on and then share the results. Feel free to post a link to your 3 things in the comments!

weekly three things: week of november 4th weekly three things: week of november 4th weekly three things: week of november 4th

Last week's things

1. Make new tea towels. It's time to admit defeat on some much-loved but now ratty dishtowels.

Result: Win! I made three new ones for myself, and also some for giving. 

2. Warp five sections for rya rug. Now that the quilt is done, on to the rug project.

Result: Win! Nearly 25% done. 

3. Take my own measurements. I'm trying out Amy Herzog's CustomFit Sweater Dealio. I'm very excited about this, since I'm super picky about my sweaters. I will report back on how it goes.

Result: Win! I've printed out my pattern and am all set to go.


This week's things

1. Finish prep for sweater - pull needles, finish winding cakes, etc. 

2. 50% of warp wound onto the loom

3. Schedule PT or massage for hands. I've pushed it with the knitting, and now have numbness in two fingers. :( 

What are your three things this week?