Welcome to Infinite Twist! I'm Cate Carter-Evans, Proprietress.
Whether you’re looking for gradient yarn that will change your knitting life, a meditative project to soothe your nerves, or you’re ready to optimize your knitting life, I’m here to help.
Looking for one-of-a-kind hand-dyed gradient yarns?
You are in the right place! I specialize in one-of-a-kind semi-solid gradients. They’re knittable art. I’d love to show you my yarn, and the things you can do with it. I dye everything you see in the shop and prepare every order with care.
Is the shop looking really empty? Yep, that happens. All my gradients are one of a kind, and when they’re gone, they’re gone until the next shop update. For first crack at the next batch, sign up for the newsletter via the link at the bottom of the page.
Why gradients?
Because gradients stay interesting. It’s possible that I have a short attention span in my knitting life, but even a color I’m over the moon about becomes one I never want to see again after I’ve made a whole sweater in it.
My Helix Giant Gradients change colors every 30 - 50 y, and the smaller gradients change even more often. My gradients are also semi-solid so you get areas of light and dark, highlights and lowlights, and even some speckles. They’ll hold your interest from cast on to bind off.
Gradients are perfect for meditative projects and for new knitters. Choose a simple pattern, and let the yarn do the work - you’ll end up with a spectacular one-of-a-kind finished object.
Gradients are fun to dye. I love the challenge of working with wildly contrasting colors that wouldn’t work together using traditional dye techniques. I think the fun comes through in the finished yarn.
Care and Feeding
Gradients generally behave like normal yarn, but there are a couple of caveats.
Gradients can bleed at first wash, and I don't recommend knitting them together with very pale colors as a result.
Especially with my SuperWash yarn bases and especially with neon colors and high-contrast gradients, don't leave your finished objects to soak for more than five minutes. The longer an item soaks, the more dye gets a chance to migrate. There's generally no need to soak longer than this anyway unless an item is heavily soiled, and heavily soiled items are best left to a dry cleaner.
Use body-temperature water (not warmer than 40C / 104F), and mild detergent or wool wash. Use a salad spinner or a towel to remove excess water before drying flat.
Is your knitting life weighed down by big BUTs?
“That yarn makes my heart sing BUT I’m totally overwhelmed by my stash.” The StashFit Workbook will help you get in touch with the kinds of knitting you love best, optimize your stash, and get the most out of your knitting time.
“I’d love to knit that pattern BUT I have too many WIPs.” Whip your WIPs into shape with the WipFit Workbook. No yarn diets, no harsh prescriptions - just ten targeted exercises to bring harmony to your projects. Most knitters can get it done in one day!
About Cate Carter-Evans, Proprietress of Infinite Twist
Cate Carter-Evans is an American-born quilter, dyer, knitter, weaver, spinner, and seamstress, and a permanent resident of Singapore. She's been living in Asia and immersed in its vibrant textile traditions since 2009.
Cate teaches classes in all aspects of sustainable fiber arts, dyes yarn and fiber, writes knitting patterns, weaves on her great-grandmother's antique floor loom, and spins on a wheel made by her Dad. She loves making clothes for herself and her kiddos, container gardening, canning and baking, and will put kimchi on almost anything. She shares her projects on Infinite Twist's blog.
All her activities are over-seen by two unimpressed Shanghainese street cats and a three-legged dog.
Have a question? email cate@infinitetwist.com